Ruihao Zeng

Hi, I am Ruihao Zeng, a research student working in TransportLab of the University of Sydney supervised by Dr. Mohsen Ramezani Ghalenoei and Prof. David Levinson.

The main direction of my research is Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X), Autonomy Through Infrastructure (ATI), and Decision-making beyond Control. I hope to use intelligent methods to solve problems in transportation and society.

I received my B.E. degree in International College of Chinese Studies from Fujian Normal University in 2022 in China.

I have worked as a research assistant at the Digital Fujian Institute of Transportation Big Data of Fujian University of Technology since October 2020, co-advised by Xing Wang and Fumin Zou. I also worked for a summer research program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2021, supervised by Mark Vogelsberger. Earlier, I worked for a summer program related to data mining in urban city at Institute of Computing Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences with the award of top 5%, recommended by Xingwu Liu.

I'm now in a stable and long-term relationship with Olivia. I also hope to try more different things to increase the variance of my life.

E-mail  |  Resume  |  Google Scholar  |  GitHub

profile photo Photo by Andrew

  • [Oct 2022] My new research paper "STTF: An efficient transformer model for traffic congestion prediction" was accepted by International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems.

  • [Oct 2022] new LiDAR project
  • [Oct 2022] START my research journey in TransportLab, the Univeristy of Sydney!
  • [Oct 2022] Co-author paper about line art colorization was submitted to PIC 2021.
  • [Sept 2022] Found out that my patent is in the public domain.
  • [Sept 2022] Received the major revise for our paper...
  • [Sept 2021] Finished the program in MIT, cheers and grateful!
  • [Aug 2021] One paper was accepted by IET at once, Congrats :)
  • [July 2021] Began the project in MIT :)
  • [July 2021] One paper was submitted to Neurocomputing :)
  • [May 2021] Submitted one paper to IET :)
  • [Apr 2021] Started writing article for traffic flow or congestion prediction :)
  • [Mar 2021] Finished the Kaggle competition!
Research and Programs

Note: Most of the articles included here are those included in EI and SCI database, and a few are from domestic CNKI index journals. Programs are all from Kaggle competitions.

Representative papers or projects are highlighted.

An Analysis: Different Methods about Line Art Colorization
Jinhui Gao & Ruihao Zeng & Yuan Liang & Xinyu Diao
AIAHPC, 2021

Resulted from summer research program in MIT.

STTF: An Efficient Transformer Model for Traffic Congestion Prediction
Xing Wang & Ruihao Zeng, Fumin Zou, Lyuchao Liao and Faliang Huang
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Q2

I am the correspondence :)

Digital Fujian Institute of Transportation Big Data.

Supported by the Foreign Cooperation Project of Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology.

Research on Musical Changemakers based on Music Influence
Ruihao Zeng, Ao Lei and Guangyi He

Independent research.

A Highly Efficient Framework for Outlier Detection in Urban Traffic Flow
Xing Wang & Ruihao Zeng, Fumin Zou, Faliang Huang and Biao Jin
IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Q2

I am the correspondence :)

Digital Fujian Institute of Transportation Big Data.

Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China and the Foreign Cooperation Project of Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology.

HuBMAP - Hacking the Kidney
Tim biubiu, eric iii, Mroland2021, tedin and JODY JODY
Bronze Medal

Learned a lot :)

An analysis and forecasts of online product sales based on BP Neural Network and Pearson Coefficient
Chenghao Wang, Jingsi Chen and Ruihao Zeng

Independent research.

Hybrid Malware Detection System Based on Big Data
Ruihao Zeng,
China New Communications

Independent research.

Review Activities
Awards & Activities


  • First Prize of “Challenge Cup” University Student Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Competition of Communist Youth League Committee of Fujian Normal University. (2021.06)
  • Charge in National College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program (Innovated Training Project) of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. (2021.06)
  • Honorable Mention of Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling of Consortium of Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP). (2021.05)
  • First Prize of the 10th Cross-Strait Information Service Innovation Competition and the 14th Computer Software Design Competition of Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Fujian Provincial Department of Education, etc. (2020.12)
  • Second Prize of the National Finals of the 8th National College Student Digital Media Technology Works and Creativity Competition of Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAAI). (2020.11)
  • Third Prize of “Huashu Cup” National College Students Mathematical Contest in Modeling of the Chinese Society for Futures Studies. (2020.08)
  • First Prize of the 10th MathorCup College Mathematical Modeling Challenge Undergraduate Group of Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics. (2020.06)
Student Volunteer:

  • 2022: 5th International Conference of Information Science and System (ICISS 2022) .
  • 2018: On-site reporting and photography of the freshmen basketball game.

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